EAGLE Network´s Donors Regulations

Transparency Donors should publically disclose the amount of money they donated as a condition.

IndependenceDonors should respect our policy, values, objectives, activities and methods – we cannot accept a grant which pushes the Member Projects to use a softer approach, away from our core work. The EAGLE Standard Funding Proposal may be adapted into a donor’s format but will not change in wording, or budget to fit donor’s desire.

No hidden costs – EAGLE will not accept an overhead percentage of a donation be taken by the donors, unless the financial report describing how that amount was used is made publically available by the donor.

Industry Policy EAGLE will not receive funds from any industry connected to the problem it is set to solve. For that matter, it does not engage in any form of “collaboration” or “partnership” or any other hidden endorsement of such industry. This regulation exists to avoid conflict of interest, which has been identified as a major problem in NGO-industry collaboration.

Partnership Policy – The donor and the implementer of the grant are duly distinguished, especially in public communication. The roles of grantor and grantee should be apparent, both in the region of implementation, but also between the donor and the original source of the funds. Donors to the EAGLE Network as a whole, or to specific EAGLE Network Member Projects, should define their role as providing a Grant or Sub-grant, but not as implementers of EAGLE activities. Furthermore, donors should not raise funds on behalf of EAGLE or its Member Projects without prior approval and proper coordination with the respective grantee(s).