
3 ivory traffickers of Benin nationality arrested with 2 tusks

3 ivory traffickers of Benin nationality arrested with 2 tusks. The tusks were concealed in a suitcase and, like in another operation carried out 24 hours earlier in Cote d’Ivoire, the tusks were marked indicating that they had already been seized before in Benin, where it was trafficked from, trading back seized ivory with traffickers. They remain behind bars awaiting trial.

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3 ivory traffickers of Benin nationality arrested with 2 tusks

3 ivory traffickers arrested with 4 tusks

3 ivory traffickers arrested with 4 pieces of tusks weighing 26 kg. Their criminal operation stretched to Mali where this ivory was trafficked from. The markings on the ivory indicates corruption in Mali, authorities reselling of seized contraband back to criminals. The traffickers used a vehicle to move the contraband that was hidden in cardboard boxes.

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3 ivory traffickers arrested with 4 tusks

A trafficker arrested with 4 tusks

A trafficker arrested with 4 tusks. She concealed the tusks in a grains bag which she transported by vehicle to the scene of transaction. She was arrested in the act as she attempted to sell the elephant tusks. She was transferred to Libreville and presented to the State Counsel of the Special Tribunal who remanded her in custody while awaiting trial.

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A trafficker arrested with 4 tusks

2 traffickers arrested with 180kg scales of giant pangolins

2 traffickers arrested with 180kg scales of giant pangolins. They smuggled the 7 sacks from the south of the country to Yaounde where they were arrested. Great work of the LAGA team with the authorities.

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2 traffickers arrested with 180kg scales of giant pangolins

5 traffickers arrested with 3 elephant tusks

5 traffickers arrested with 3 elephant tusks. 4 traffickers were arrested attempting to sell 2 tusks at the outskirts of Abidjan. They denounced the brain behind the deal activating the others. When arrested he claimed to have stolen the tusks from his boss, who is a Lebanese national. Further investigations led to the seizure of a third ivory tusk.

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5 traffickers arrested with 3 elephant tusks

4 traffickers arrested

4 traffickers arrested in a collaboration between EAGLE Senegal and Panthera following the poaching of a lioness in the outskirts of a national park. An AK47, 2 hunting guns and a honey badger skin also seized.

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4 traffickers arrested

2 traffickers arrested in Yaounde with 66kg Giant Pangolin scales

2 traffickers arrested in Yaounde with 66kg Giant Pangolin scales. One of the traffickers, a Nigerian, has been operating his ring for at least four years known to our investigations. Very good work of the LAGA team with the authorities.

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2 traffickers arrested in Yaounde with 66kg Giant Pangolin scales

3 traffickers arrested with 50 ivory statues, an elephant tail and 11 lion teeth

3 traffickers arrested with 50 ivory statues, an elephant tail and 11 lion teeth in a crackdown on a major criminal network. The Guinean and Liberian were arrested attempting to sell the ivory denouncing the third - a Senegalese wealthy owner of a jewellery shop, he confessed that lines of supply for the lion teeth to produce necklaces are from Ghana and Nigeria, while elephant tails lines to produce bracelets are from Cameroon.

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3 traffickers arrested with 50 ivory statues, an elephant tail and 11 lion teeth

3 traffickers arrested with 26.5kg of ivory

3 traffickers arrested with 26.5kg of ivory. One of them is a repeat offender arrested 5 years ago before Gabon changed the low to a more deterring imprisonment. This time he will feel the difference ????

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3 traffickers arrested with  26.5kg of ivory

Two arrested with a mandrill

Two arrested with a mandrill. The chained mandrill was put in a sack to be traded illegally. The mandrill was brought by a worker in a logging company near the Congolese border. Good work of the LAGA team with the authorities.

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Two arrested with a mandrill

a trafficker arrested with two tusks

A trafficker arrested with two tusks. Similar to last arrest, he is a logging company worker. Good work of Conservation Justice with the authorities.

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a trafficker arrested with two tusks

a trafficker arrested with 2 leopard skins

A trafficker arrested with 2 leopard skins. The illegal trade in leopard skins is growing and a real threat to their survival. Also seized 2 crocodile skins.

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a trafficker arrested with 2 leopard skins