Privacy Policy of EAGLE Network
Effective: May 25, 2018
This Privacy Policy explains how EAGLE Network manages personal data of individual according to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
This policy is applicable to data provided to us directly by the individual and by others.
This policy (and any other documents referred to in it) sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from individuals, or that are provided to us.
How We Collect Personal Data
We will only gather individual data only for bona fide professional purposes.
We may gather the following data:
- Name
- Telephone number and or fax number
- Email address
- Legal person or business name
How We Use Personal Data
We use personal data to distribute our monthly EAGLE Network Briefing, EAGLE Network Annual Reports and press releases / information about our achievements.
We don´t share personal information with third parties.
We store and protect your personal information by saving them only on a hard drive of a password protected computer and we don´t transmit them via internet.
Rights Regarding to Your Personal Data
Everybody has the entitlement regarding to your personal data as indicated on the EU GDPR. We rightfully respect and uphold these rights to the personal data stored. They include:-
- Right to access - Everybody has rights to access to his personal data subjective to certain conditions.
- Right to collections - Everybody can alter his personal information at any time by contacting us. It is everybody´s responsibility to ensure that his personal information is accurate.
- Right to erasure – Everybody´s personal data can be erase in cases where the data is no longer required subject to certain conditions.
- Right to Withdraw Consent - Everybody has the right to withdraw his consent his rights at any time. Everybody´s consent will be effective as soon as it is withdrawn and in the future.
- Right to Object to or Restrict Processing - Everybody has the right to request us not to process his personal data, subject to certain conditions.
- Right to Data Transferability- Everybody has the right to request us to share his personal data in a legible format, subject to certain conditions.
Changes to Our Policy
Our privacy policy may be reviewed and updated on a regular basis and checking the policies from time to time is commended. We may notify you of any changes on this policy when necessary.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or you would like any clarification about this Privacy Policy or the various practices or any dealings on our website, please contact us at